tisdag 5 juni 2012

Cats On Tuesday

This week I have maneged to get 
my mom out of the way from MY PC :)
So turn Mr Google Translater off !!!
 Because here comes my english post 
for Cats On Tuesday.

Here has happend a lot of stuff as usual ;-)

I got a new climbing tree !
Can you imagine that my dad say´s that I´m the most spoiled cat in the whole wide world ??!!

I have been visiting Gustav´s Bootcamp ! 
Many of my furriends have asked if they can hire Gustav as their PCT ?? (PCT = Personal Cat Trainer)
I have to get back on that question ;-)

Kickstart a invissible Harley Davidson :)

YAY , visitor 25.000 have entered my blog !

That means PARTY PARTY

and a raffle

I pulled 2 winners from the bowl


I have been taking a bath AGAIN !

and got fluffed with the hairdryer

Because I have been on a catshow AGAIN !

I got 2 ribbons = YAY :)

This is my furriend Sören , sleeping in his hammock

Here I´m trying it out , but as you can see I didn´t like it !!
Yes , it´s my mom that stands behind me :)

Wish you all a GREAT tuesday !

Please , dont forget to visit Gattina and her cats
that hosts Cats On Tuesday !

23 kommentarer:

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu sa...

Hi! Thanks for blogging in English today! And many great photos. We really liked the one of yo being flooded up for the show!

The Chans

Unknown sa...

Have a great day to! Sorry we dont blog in english.Our Mum has a little bit trouble with some things, but we come back one day.
Big Hug to you sweetest Kjelle.

Katie Isabella sa...

LOOK at YOU being blow-dried! And all wet from your bath. I would not be so brave as you are. And concatulations on your medals, beautiful one.

I love your cat tree. It's tall, like my cat tree. I love to be up on top just like you.


Fuzzy Tales sa...

Wow, you HAVE been busy! Congratulations on your awards from the cat show! And on getting that awesome new cat tree too.

Gustav sure does have great moves -- loved the action shots.

As for your bath--we hope you don't have to have another one!

Mariodacat sa...

You always write such a good blog, we just love it. You were busy. Do you like to get a bath and fluffed up with the hair dryer thingy?

Sharon Wagner sa...

Great action shots! The fur really flies.

Cindy Adkins sa...

Wow - that is an awesome climbing tree!!! We wish our Mom would get one for us! We enjoyed this post very much. We did not get to use the computer today for Cats on Tuesday...so sad. Maybe next week! We just friended you on facebook, too! Yay!!You are one cute kitty!!
Buster, Sam and Rudy (and Mom Cindy, too)

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

It does take time to adjust to a hammock...it took Boomer some time before he would even step foot in it but once he did, he can't get enough of it! Love those action photos!

Seville at Nerissa's Life sa...

CONGRATULATIONS on your TWO ribbons! They're beautiful! You do very well at these cat shows, I must say.

That climbing tree looks like an excellent one. It reaches right up to the ceiling. WOW!

And I just LOVE Gustav on the invisible motorcycle! What a great move! Only a matter of time before the cat makes a movie, I think.


Dui och Deco sa...

Vilket fint klösträd, passar dig perfekt! Nosbuff

Ingrid sa...

Wow ! that's a very big cat tree ! But for a Prince nothing is good enough ! You well earned two medals ! which Prince can show that nowadays ! We all feel sorry for you that because of your royal position you have to take bathes all the time, how awful !

meowmeowmans sa...

That new climbing tree is magnificent, Kjelle. Enjoy!

We love those great action shots of you and Gustav. :)

Concatulations on your two ribbons!

A Tonk's Tail sa...

Concats on teh raffle winners and on the 25k visitors! WOOOO! We loves the invisible Harley kickstart pic too! MOL!

BeadedTail sa...

We love all those action shots although we kinda feel lazy since we're just laying here watching you jump! :) You had a great week!

Barbara sa...

You've been so busy! That cat tree alone would exhaust our cats if they tried to climb it. Many concatulations on the cat show prizes, well deserved of course, especially as you had to have a B*TH first! And that energetic Gustav makes me LOL!

Libra sa...

Vilken vecka du har haft!
Fina bilder på dig och på Gustav också.
Vi blev imponerade av ditt nya klösträd.
Ska jama matte om att vi vill ha ett sånt också!!!


Hi Charlie Rascal!
Congratz on your ribbons! YAY!!!
With all those baths, I'd say you've EARNED them!
Glogirly is still on vaca...I'm holding down the fort at home. Guarding against the evil cat sitter. heh heh...
love, Katie

Cat-from-Sydney sa...

Kjelle Bus,
Whoa! That tree is so pawsome! Mine is not as tall. purrr....meow!

Frasse sa...

PAWsome pictures of a PAWsome cat :-) And Kjelle, you´re always Best in show! :D
Love from me and my mom

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

That is a lovely new cat tree Kjelle, and you are way up high on it.

Nea theCat sa...

Så trist att du inte trivdes i hängmattan? Hade liksom passat världens mest bortskämda och sötaste Kjell Bus :)


Anonym sa...


Knatolee sa...

THese are great photos, but my favourite is the one with the blow dryer. So fluffalicious!!