onsdag 5 september 2012

Cats On Tuesday on a Wednesday again :)

My slave mom have been working long day´s lately and the ONE day she was off she and dad ran away :(
But now I have maneged to tigh her to the chair and force her to help me with my english bloggpost for Cats On Tuesday 
that Gattina and her cat´s hosts :)

I just want to clarify that this is a scrimp sandwich !
YES there is a slice of bread somewhere under all the shrimps and lettuce :)

The old clock from America that mom bought , say´s
no longer tick-tock tick-tock or Ding-dong Ding-dong.
My dad has forbidden mom to wind it up :)

As you can see I´m working VERY hard on the hairball of revenge , for not bringing me any of the scrimps *evil laugh*

 and between my hard work and playtime I sleep :)

Hope you all are having a great evening :)

22 kommentarer:

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

We still can't believe your Mom didn't bring any of the shrimp back for you. How shocking!

Dui och Deco sa...

Lägg en stor hårboll i sängen så matte förstår att hon måste vara hemma! Nosbuffar på dig snygging

meowmeowmans sa...

That sure is a beautiful clock, Kjelle.

Sorry to hear you did not get any shrimps. Enjoy your nap!

Anonym sa...

Hihi Lovely Pitcures ♥...

Katie Isabella sa...

Darling Kjelle, they must go back out and bring back shrimps for you and do that right away! No more delay! If not there will be claws walking across tender tummies of mom and dad in the middle of the night.

Ingrid sa...

That's a huge portion of shrimps ! I see you also do Yoga exercises, and stretching on the bed !

Mary, Fröken Tott och Adam sa...

Nä inte var det några 200gram räkor på mackan i Krylbo möjligtvis om vi lade ihop alla tre:) Ska jag vara ärlig så fotade jag mackorna när vi fikade men eftersom jag lyckades få både mannen och far att se väldigt underliga ut på samma bild som räkmackorna var på så tog jag av hänsyn inte med dem i min blogg;)
Här längtar vi till fredag iallafall alla utom husse får göra som dig på sista bilden då.

BeadedTail sa...

Have you got any shrimps yet Kjelle? We're impressed with your flexibility and we love your floofy tummy!

CATachresis sa...

It’s still Tuesday here … just!! Sorry about the shrimps! I think you should give hairball payback for that!

Sparkle sa...

I'm still shocked about you not getting any of that big pile of shrimp!

LP sa...

That made us laugh-that your papa won't allow your mama to wind up the beautiful clock anymore! Heehee.
Those shrimps look abundant...the hoomans could easily have kept a few for you Kjelle...we hope you are still making it difficult for them to sleep at night!!
Also, we think you are a tease Kjelle...with the floofy tummy shot!! ;)

the critters in the cottage xo

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) sa...

Those shrimps are very tempting. We love all things Swedish (My grandfather was Swedish)and I also write for Nordic Spotlight.

Unknown sa...

Kjelle! Yous makes me laughs! And now me wants scrimps!

Barbara sa...

I love that clock - and boo to your Dad for not letting it be wound up. That sandwich (if it is a sandwich!) is enormous... Posky once stole a whole plate of prawns that were on a plate defrosting, and ate the lot whilst they were still frozen! That is truly a crime that you weren't given even one... am so glad to see you plotting revenge for that oversight!

We love LUNA sa...

wow that clock is wonderful! And it's nice to see that you are very relaxed, I love your pictures!
purrs and a nice day sweet Prince Kjelle!

Frasse sa...

Wonderful pictures - as usual! Och nu jamar jag vidare på svenska för annars får matte och jag sitta här och grubbla över de engelska orden i evigheter - vi är inte så duktiga som du och din matte :-)
Man blir ju vanvettigt sugen på räkor när man ser din välmatade macka :-) Förstår att du blev hämndlysten när du inte fick smaka på läckerbitarna!

Lyckopiller sa...

Haha...hussar verkar ha nåt emot klockljud. Jag har oxå en fin gammal klocka som jag inte får ha igång. Då kan inte maken sova.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris sa...

Shame on mom for not sharing the shrimp with you. It looks like you might have a great hairball revenge in the works!

Beautiful clock. I love the ding dongs on ours. Maybe you can sneak and wind it up! :o)

Naps are a good thing.



Hi Charlie Rascal!

You had us fooled : ) We would never have thought those shrimps were sitting on a sandwich! I can't believe you didn't get a single one. That's just wrong.

I'd tell you to nap it off, but it looks like you already are.

; ) Katie

Oui Oui sa...

We had a laugh at Katie's over your comment about Maple Syrup & Americans. We think that's Canadian type Americans. U.S. type Americans put CATsup (ketchup) on everything!

The Chair Speaks sa...

Kjelle, are you imagining your toes to be shrimps while licking them? :)

A Tonk's Tail sa...

Maxwell: Charlie, dude. How's the hairball coming along? Did you get your revenge?