tisdag 11 september 2012

Many kinds of tuesday ( again :)

First of all it´s
Cats On Tuesday

which means that I blogg in english
and that you whom miaow in another language than swedish
don´t have to use Mr Google Translater :) 

 Then it´s tummy tuesday so I show you a picture on my 
VERY floofy tummy :)

 and it´s Toesie tuesday too

I just warn you NOT to tickle me under my toesie !!!
I´m VERY ticklish and will give you a Bunny-kick right on your nose that you never forget ;-)

The other day I gave my mousie a bath , unfortunately 
he drowned :(

 Today my mom brought home a new toy to me :)

I just took me a few seconds to "kill" him 

 Hope you all are having a pawsome tuesday !

Don´t forget to visit Gattina and her cats 
that host´s Cats On Tuesday

29 kommentarer:

The Florida Furkids sa...

MOL Sniffie used to put all her toys in the water bowl!!! Good job on deading that new toy!!

The Florida Furkids

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

Hahaha! Boomer is extremely ticklish when it comes to his toes too. Looks like Mr Mousie didn't take swimming lessons when he was a kid! LOL.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu sa...

Lovely tummy and perfect toesies!

The Chans

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Smulan and Amanda are also ticklish on their toesies, but it's hard for mom resist them, they are so cute!
Poor mousei, mom usually hang them up by the tail so they can dry out if we try to drown them.



Katie Isabella sa...

You are so beautiful. I know I have said this before but you are. And I loved seeing your floof again today and those delicious toesies. It would be worth a bunny kick on our noses to kiss those toesies.

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

You did a good job killing the new toy and drowning your mouse. We both love having our toes tickles and spread them open for mum to give them a massage.

Sparkle sa...

Wow, that toy is certainly dead! But I bet you will be able to kill it lots more times!

Anonym sa...

Oh that tummy and toesies so need to be smooched! And nice job on the mousie!

Anonym sa...

Waooo/NooooosPussss från lilla mig ♥....

Unknown sa...

Your story is so funny Kjelle Bus. I enjoy it a as much as looking at your cute paw ! You're real killer hihihi

Ingrid sa...

You do now like Rosie, giving the mousies a bath ? You belly is so soft and clean, my poor Kim is full of knots and I can't catch her !

BeadedTail sa...

Tummy AND toes? *swoon* You are just so handsome Kjelle!

Katnip Lounge sa...

You have FABULOUS toesies!! Mommy says she'd risk it...

Kattfamiljen sa...

Den nya leksaken såg rolig ut :-)

Mariodacat sa...

Awesome post pal. I love your new toy and it looks like you really killed him - he's deaded!!!

Mollie sa...

Oh, your translators not working..I loved the pictures though :) xx000xxx

Mollie and Alfie

CATachresis sa...

I never will get tired of looking at you Kjelle Bus! You sure dedded that toy lol xox

Daisy sa...

I am a little bit envious of your fancy toe floofs!

Sweet Purrfections sa...

Mom Paula is covering our eyes so we don't learn about putting the toys in the water.

Angel Prancer Pie sa...

Great pics! We think a bunny-kick is proper payment for messing with your perfectly pink toes!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur sa...

Tummy perfection!!

Mollie sa...

What lovely pictures..I've got one of those toys.Sammy sent it to me, mines a squirrel :) I'm putting on the blog today..come have a look :)

Mollie and Alfie

meowmeowmans sa...

Any Tuesday with our friend Kjelle is our favorite kind of Tuesday! :)


RIP Mousie. Maybe a spin in the dryer will bring him back to life. ; )

...Glogirly is in love with your toes, Charlie Rascal. She says that pink jelly beans are better than black ones. ...mine are black. Whatever. Here I thought she liked them.

; ) Katie

Oskar sa...

Sorry to hear about your mousie! My mom person thinks that your little toes are adorable.

Nubbin wiggles,

Oui Oui sa...

Those are some very tempting toes! Be careful of our mom! She likes to tickle kitties between their toes to make them spread apart and "flower". How weird can you be?

Unknown sa...

Wowwie! yous as good at deading mices as Kozmo!

Emelie sa...

Jisses vilken OTROLIGT vacker katt!

A Tonk's Tail sa...

Dood! We think we'd better steer clear of your all-powerful bunny kick ... but we are fascinated by all those furs you gotz between your TOES! (none of us has anything like that!)