tisdag 18 september 2012

Cats On Tuesday

YAY , it´s tuesday and time for 
Cats On Tuesday
that Gattina and her cat´s hosts.

Tuesday also means turn OFF Mr Google Translater :)

This past weekend me and mom have been on a Catshow in Gothenburg.
 As you can see it went well :)
I´ve got a ribbon/Certification  both day´s = CAGPIB

and on the sunday I was NOM= YAY !
NOM doesn´t mean jummy treats in this case :)
It´s means that you are nominated to the judges panel and have the chance to become BIS = Best In Show in the category you are competing in.

There where many good looking cat´s at the show ! 
Sorry we can´t show you all of them :(

This is a Norwegian Forrest catlady

I´m not afraid I can fly *mol*
This is also a Norwegian Forrest Cat

a cute Devon Rex

a very tired Brittish shorthair

a cute little Ragdoll

My welltrained mom bought me some new toy´s :)

They taste good

and are fun to throw up in the air :)

Wish all that paws in here a GREAT tuesday !

P.S Don´t forget to visit Gattina and her cats  

D.S I just found out who is the winner in 
Zee & Zoey´s Cat Ruler of the World Contest and Campaign for a Cause :) 

I just miaow 
ConCATulations to the winner !!! 

If you wan´t to know who it is you have to pop over to Zee and Zoey :) 

22 kommentarer:

Mollie sa...

We came over yesterday but it wouldn't leave our comment..so we will say, well done on the lovely Rosette :) and we are so pleased that little kiite is on the mend. My, what lovely treats you got :)We love the photies of all the kitties, thank you for sharing them with us :) Big Cuddles xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie

Cat-from-Sydney sa...

Kjelle Bus = Charlie Rascal = NOM??? I like! Your mom seems very well trained. Do you think she'll adopt me? har har har *evil laughs*

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

Those new toys look like they'll provide many many happy hours of non stop fun. :)

Mariodacat sa...

Hi pal. WOW - there sure were some gorgeous cats at that cat show. But, you know what.......You are the most handsome of all. What an honor to be nommed! he he Every time I see that word NOM now, I'm going to have to giggle and think of you. Cat shows have the best cat toys don't they? M hasn't been now for a couple of years, but I keep waiting patiently for one to come to our area so she can get some new toys.

Katie Isabella sa...

OH that TORTIE!!! GORGEOUS! Of course YOU are! So are the rest of the kitties. xoxox

Laila and Angel Minchie sa...

Congratulations! Our mom loves to go to the cat shows. We don't mind as long as she brings us lots of new toys, like your mom did.

Sparkle sa...

My human loves cat shows and she has always been a little sad that I don't have a "show temperament" - she did try to get me used to going places, but I really hated it so she stopped. I think it is so awesome that you are doing so well at yours!

simszanne sa...

Grattis fast det fattade jag ju direkt när jag såg dig att du måste få rosett, så snygg och kolugn som du var i allt oljud. Hoppas du kommer tillbaka till Göteborg i december så ses vi igen :)

meowmeowmans sa...

Congratulations on your nominations, Kjelle! And thank you for sharing those pictures from that cat show. Such beautiful cats (almost as beautiful as you). Have fun with those new toys!


BeadedTail sa...

We thought Noms were always treats! There's lots of pretty kitties at the show but you were the most handsome! Those toys look pawesome!

Anonym sa...

***Grattis*** & NoooooosPusssssssssss ♥...

Katnip Lounge sa...

We have to agree, we think you are always the handsomest kitty at a show! Your mom is so well trained. Ours is HOPELESS.

CATachresis sa...

How do you have your mom so well trained Kjelle Bus? Please can I have some tips? mol >^,,^<

Splendid Little Stars sa...

awesome! Congratulations!
Those looks toys look fantastic!
I've never been to a cat show, but I should go. It would be fun!

Sweet Purrfections sa...

Where are the Persians? We demand equal time.

Just kidding. We love seeing the different breeds of cats.

We love LUNA sa...

Dear Prince Kjelle, you are adorable!Congratulations, I know your mammy is very proud of you!
Wonderful pictures, thanks for sharing!
purrs and love

Ingrid sa...

Congratulations for your ribbon ! I imagine that it must be interesting to sit well protected in the cage and look at these stupid humans saying Ah's and Oh's !

Gunilla och Frasse sa...

Congratulations for your nomination, Kjelle, we are so proud of you! There were indeed many great looking cats at the show, but for us there can only be one real Star: The one and only Kjelle Bus! :-)
Hugs from us!

A Tonl sa...

Well if that NOM isn't nommable, at least you got a cool toy to toss around!

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

Well done on your success at the show, and well done also on training your mum so well.


I see a RIBBON!!!!!
Concatulations, Charlie Rascal!
And those new toys look like SO much fun!
xo, Katie

Donna sa...

Wow, congratulations! :)