tisdag 27 november 2012

Cats On Tuesday

It´s tuesday and that menas that it´s time to participate in 
and that I do my blogpost entirely
in english :)

What I have been up to since last tuesday ??
Nothing much :)

I have been jumping flying after my ...

sparkly wand :)

Been lain in ambush and then attacked my mom's feet *mol*

and snooperwised on my mom when she have been sitting at the computer. I mean you better watch her so she writes what I tell her to write on my blog :)

Happy Tuesday to you all !

P.S Don´t forget to visit Gattina and her cat´s
that hosts Cats On Tuesday !

Psst !
Are you looking for Christmas gifts ??
Check out this pawsome auction at CB , that is a win-win thing !
You get pawsome stuff to give away as Christmas gifts and
The Gemstone Family get green papers so they can pay 
the  unexpected vet bills :)

26 kommentarer:

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Nice pictures as usual of you, Charlie Rascal!
Have a nice Tuesday!



The Furries of Whisppy sa...

You sure have been having lots of fun the last week, Kjelle Bus! :)

Laila and Angel Minchie sa...

Can you teach us how to fly through the air like you do? Cute pictures!

Fuzzy Tales sa...

You've had a very busy and productive week! Your flying is amazing!!!

Hannah and Lucy sa...

We love your sparkly wand - how very glamorous.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Brian's Home Blog sa...

I must agree, your flying is very impressive my friend!

Hannah and Lucy sa...

We would like some flying lessons please.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Marg sa...

Good flying job Kjelle. And good job to the Mom getting that picture. And we thank you so much for putting the Auction on here. Kjelle, you keep right on snooopervising that Mom. All moms need to be watched.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu sa...

It looks like you have had ann excellent week!

We visited the auction site and put in a bed. We had better check that nobody has outbid us!

The Chans

Dui och Deco sa...

Ibland är det rätt arbetsamt att hålla reda på sina tvåbeningar..Nosbuff

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

You fly very well Kjelle! Your wand doesn't stand a chance against you.

Mariodacat sa...

Hi pal. It's a good thing you closely monitor your Mom on what she puts in the blog,. Those humans are so famous for doing their own thing and it ends up not even being your blog. So I'd keep a close eye on her for sure.

Anonym sa...

Nice pictures Kjelle Busis ♥......

Sparkle sa...

OMC, that sparkly wand looks like so much fun!

Donna sa...

Hello Kjelle Bus! I will go look at those places. :)

Ingrid sa...

Lol ! Rosie too likes to hide and suddenly her paw shows up to give a little slap on whatever she can catch !
You can be assured, we only had sunshine for 5 min ! It's grey, cold, rainy in short a funeral weather !

Mollie sa...

That was so funny you flying..MOL I'm glad it arrived safetly and we hopes it fits you OK. XX00X

Mollie and Alfie

CATachresis sa...

Loved the flying shot!! You are an acrocat for sure!!

Oskar sa...

Kjelle, it looks like you are having a blast!

Nubbin wiggles,

LP sa...

All that wand jumping must have worked up an appetite! We hope you got lots of treats after your play sessions :)

the critters in the cottage xo

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 sa...

My Goodness!!
You are flying so well~!

The Florida Furkids sa...

Happy Tuesday! We don't blame you for flying after that wand...it's pawsome!!

The Florida Furkids


Nice AIR, Charlie Rascal!!!
You must work out.
; ) Katie

BeadedTail sa...

That photo with your feets is so cute! We're glad you snoopervise your mom too!

Oui Oui sa...

That sparkly toy looks great! We love the action shots, too. Purrs!

Anonym sa...

oh yes Charlie Rascal, I always, always snoopervise my Mom about my blog content and she MUST ALWAYS ask my permission to hit the key for "publish this"...