tisdag 20 november 2012

YAY !!! for many things ...

YAY ! for that is tuesday 
and that I have managed to wake my mom-person (fairly) early so she can put the computer on so I finally can make 
a post for Cats On Tuesday  !


Turn the Mr Google Translater OFF if you haven´t done that  already because Cats On Tuesday means that 
I blog in english today  :)

 YAY !
I have become a member in the Tabby Cat Club !

I´m so proud to be e member in this cool club for Tabbys !
Do you find me in the group picture ?

Here is my first blogpost on 
Tabby Cat Club :)

Are you a Tabby cat ??
Wan´t to be a member ??
Go to Tabby Cat Club
and click on Gracie´s mailbox (in the left sidebar)
and you see where to send the mail with photos on you , your birthdate and Gotcha date and the link 
to your blog.
All Tabbies are invited to join - your human must be 
14 years or older and you do have to have a google account if you wish to make blogposts on Tabby Cat Club.

YAY ! I´m one of the finalist in our local paper
Hallands Posten`s competition 
Sorry to have to tell you that the voting now is done by sending an sms that cost almost 1 U.S dollar + your "traffic"fee :(
If  you want to try to send an sms-vote for my picture  from abroad.
This is how to do it :
your name , adress and phonenumber and send it to
72099 . I don´t know if you have to put 0046 before 72099 if you are from abroad ??

You can send my picture 
and other cat´s as a E-postcard 
on Royal Canin´s swedish page and in the same time promote 
The Cat´s Day that we in Sweden celebrate the first weekend of Advent every year :)
The Cat´s Day are the day that unites all Swedish cat people , from breeders , SVERAK , cat clubs , cat owners and Shelters.
We all work to increase the cat´s status through knowledge and respect.

Cat´s Day has been celebrated for over 27 years

Cats Day was established by SVERAK (Sweden Cat Clubs Association 27 years ago.
The aim was to increase the value of the cat as an individual.
Royal Canin joined in 12 years ago and together with Pet stores and Veterinary clinics further enchance this manifestation.

YES ! I´m going to celebrate Cat´s Day in a pet store 
with my mom-person and some other cat´s and their humans 
from our catclub Sydkatten :)

Now It has been sooo many YAY`S so I have to take a nap for the rest of the day :)

DON`T forget to visit 
Gattina and her cat´s 
that hosts Cats On Tuesday !!!

30 kommentarer:

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu sa...

Congratulations on al the wonderful news!

Can you tell us more about voting with an SMS? It might be easier for those like us who are in Europe.

The Chans

Unknown sa...

hehehe I just wonder what you did to wake your mummy up ?

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Matte har skickat vårt första sms till HP. De tackade för vår röst på dig!!! Gulligt av dem. Vi fortsätter att rösta på dig sötnos... För VILKEN tjej kan motstå dina blå???



Hannah and Lucy sa...

We are going to love visiting you on Tuesdays when we don't need that translator on!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cherry City Kitties sa...

We are so happy to share your YAYs with you! We are gonna try to send a vote for you (what the heck!) cause we're so proud to know a finalist kitty.
We're also going to check out Cat Day as well. You take that well deserved nap now... thanks for sharing all your good newses.
Your pals
Harry, Dexter and Tipp

Katie Isabella sa...

Hi sweet Kjelle Bus! You are looking beautiful as always lying there asleep. xoxox Congratulations on your great news sweet furriend. xoxox

Fuzzy Tales sa...

Welcome to the TCC--we're members too, and we just saw your first post. :-)

And good luck in the competition!

Brian's Home Blog sa...

Congrats on the Tabby Club membership, that is totally Tuesday terrific!

Cat-from-Sydney sa...

Kjelle Bus,
Didn't I sign up for the TCC too? I don't remember.....must be my Mama's fault. I love that Cat Day celebration. No wonder Ikea has so many cat stuffs. purrr...meow!

Mr. Black sa...

Hi Kjelle Bus! It is nice to meet you.

I love the fact that Sweden celebrates a special Cat's Day. Wow!


Mr. Black the cat

Dui och Deco sa...

Kul med klubben,matte har ju inte koll på fäger men tabby är vi väl inte.. kul att du är finalist då ska vi rösta! Nosbuff

meowmeowmans sa...

We're so happy you're in the TCC now, Kjelle! Moosey is really looking forward to having lots of fun with you there.

WE sure hope you win that competition!

Sparkle sa...

Concatulations on joining the club! Although I have the tabby M on my forehead, that's the only tabby-ness I have as a Somali, so I don't think I qualify for the club!


WooHoo, Charlie Rascal...what a day!!!
We found you right away in the Tabby Cat Club photo!
And we are so excited you are a finalist in the photo contest...NO ONE is more handsome than you!!!

We are also big fans of Royal Canin. And now we love them even more!
Katie & Glogirly

Barbara sa...

Wow, so many good things happening for you, so nice to read good news for a change x

Ingrid sa...

I always thought you were rather a ginger cat and not a tabby, but maybe you put some stripes on when you go to your club;) !

Katnip Lounge sa...

Cat's Day...that's a wonderful idea! The USA should celebrate too.

CATachresis sa...

KB you have made it!! Can I have your pawtograph? ;)

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

Concats on being a finalist Kjelle! Concats on joining the TCC too.

Knatolee sa...

And you are the best-looking cat in the club!!

Kat sa...

Welcome to the TCC!

A Tonl sa...

Mowzers, Charlie, for REALZ? A finalist AND Tabby Cat club all in one post? We'd be exhausted from YAY-ing too! Concats!

Mollie sa...

Yeah, your in the final :) I looked and looked at the picture.I think I have found you.. Have a great day xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

Anonym sa...

**GRATTIS** Sötis,jag visste dé.......
Härliga bilder & medlems"kort"

/NooooooooosPusssssssss från mig!

Donna sa...

Hooray for you! :) I like Cats Day.

Seville at Nerissa's Life sa...

Is that the picture you've used for your entry? It's BEAUTIFUL! purrs

Oskar sa...

Great stuff going on!

Nubbin wiggles,

Cathy Keisha sa...

Concats! I don't think I found you in the picture but I found Wally and a cat who looks just like my Buzz Lucas.

Callie (a.k.a. Trouble) sa...

Yay! We love Tuesday on your blog. Google Translator makes alot of funny mistakes! Sassy says welcome to TCC!

Unknown sa...

Glömde skriva i förra.
Lycka till i tävlingen ! Tazz&Kram i mängd