tisdag 29 januari 2013

Cats On Tuesday

I know it has been a loong time since I did a 
Cats On Tuesday post :(

But know I´m back , so you don´t need that useless 
Mr Google Translater today :)

A couple of weeks ago I saw at Mollie and Alfie´s blog that 
Mollie and Ranger will host a Valentines Day Ball on february 14 
and wich cat with the moves want´s to miss that ??
Not me :)

Who I asked to go with me to the Ball ??
I asked Katie and she said 
YES = YAY , I give my heart to you :)

Yesterday my mom got a parcel all the way from Amazonas.

What did you say , mom ??
It´s NOT from Amazonas in Brasil , it´s from Amazon.com on the internet ?? OK whatever !!
For a change it´s you that got a parcel and not me :)

it was full of books and not with any books 

it was ....

and ....

last but not least ...

My mom haven´t started to read any of the books yet , but she promise she will do a bookreview when she have.

Talking about books , my furriend Sparkle´s 
mom-person has got this book published in E-book form
(Kindle and Smashword)
a certain number of copies must be sold in those formats before the publisher will commit to printing actual paper copies.
So please help Sparkle´s mom and buy a

I miaow the same as Sparkle and her mom-person =
it would be pawsome to have it in physical book form :)

Wish you all a pawsome tuesday !
DON´T forget to visit Gattina and her cat´s that hosts 
Cats On Tuesday !!!


32 kommentarer:

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

Mommy has read Homer's Odyssey and says it's a wonderful book! :)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu sa...

You do have great dance moves, that's for sure!

What great reading. Enjoy!

The Chans

Mr Puddy sa...

MOL...Kjelle...I didn't know you are a great dancer ! I really love your animation ; )
And your mom made my mom's eyes go wild !
She really want to read the second book of Gwen Coopers ; )
She read the first one, and she love it so much. The last book, mom got it too but she didn't read yet.
For sure now your mom can enjoy reading on the warm sofa, May be have a little bit of hot chocolate ; )

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

You've got the moves like Jagger Kjelle. You and Katie are sure to have fun together at the Ball. Your mum is going to enjoy her reading.

The Florida Furkids sa...

You're a great dancer! You and Katie will be a pawsome couple at the ball.

Mom says those books look interesting. She's going to look at Amazon right now. (the internet one not the one in Brazil).

The Florida Furkids

Anonym sa...

Wooohoo Lovely ♥....
/Hug from me

Marg sa...

Oh that is so exciting that you are going to the dance with Katie.
Read the Homer book first. It will be one of the best books you will ever read. Have a great day.

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Spinnande böcker!!! Vi önskar er trevlig läsning :)



Hannah and Lucy sa...

You're a lovely mover Kjelle.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Brian's Home Blog sa...

Those are sure a great bunch of books and you will sure enjoy them!

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) sa...

You have some great reading! I've read all those books and just an an hour long chat with Gwen Cooper. Look for my exclusive review and interview this Sunday!

Dui och Deco sa...

Kul med paket! tänk vad du är duktigt på att jama på engelska! Nosbuff

Cezar and Léia sa...

Hey! You are dancing! Cute Prince Kjelle!And lucky boy, the books are very interesting!
purrs and love
Luna - WE LOVE LUNA and hugs from mom Léia

Laila and Angel Minchie sa...

We hope your mom will be reading those great books out loud so you can hear the stories.

Sparkle sa...

We have not read The Dalai Lama's Cat yet, but I know your human will love both of Gwen Cooper's books - they are among my favorites! And thanks so much for giving The Mystical Cat a plug - paws crossed it gets the requisite amount of sales!

CCL Wendy sa...

Wow, Charlie Rascal! You really have some awesome dance moves. You and Katie Isabella makes an adorable couple. We'll see you at the pawty!

And what a wonderful thing to have books arrive in the mail -- and all about your favourite subject!

A Tonl sa...

Oh you guys will love, love, LOVE Homer's Odyssey, and tell your mom to stock up on tissues for when she reads Love Saves the Day!!

Mollie sa...

No wonder your dancing with joy, you lucky boy : MOL.. Those books look great,can't wait to hear what they'z like :) Have a wonderful dancing Tuezday xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

BeadedTail sa...

We loved seeing you dance! We hope your mom enjoys the books! Let us know what she thinks of them and if they made her cry since our mommy won't even attempt to read anything that she knows will make her cry. She's weird. Can your mom read english?


I'm honored to be your Valentines date, Charlie Rascal!!!
You're one of the sweetest mancats I know!!!

....There may have not been any toys in that box, but those are ALL great books!

; ) Katie

Boo-Bah AKA Iris sa...

what a great dancer you are! All the girl kitty's will want to dance with you!

Barbara sa...

Love your happy dance there!

I love getting parcels of books... I've not heard of these but will go search them out.

Ingrid sa...

How nice you found a girl for the kitty ball !
I don't know any of these books, but they look nice !

Frasse sa...

Jamar med Dui och Deco, du är så bra på att jama engelska, Kjelle! Keep up the good work, we love it :-)

meowmeowmans sa...

Great dance moves, Kjelle! You and Katie are sure to have fun at the Valentine's Day ball! :)

Those look like some good books. We want to read those, too!

Timmy Tomcat sa...

Hoo Cat
Our Pops has those books and he read us all about Homer the blind cat. He is wonderful brave and a great kitty. He has been reading us the Dali Lama's Cat. A great book. He does medication, I mean mediTAtion. We have not started Love Saves the Day but loved Mystical Cat. You will too! Purrs
Timmy T

LP sa...

Those books all look like very good and uplifitng reading! Enjoy them:)
Kjelle, we didn't know about the Valentine's day ball but we know you will dance the night away with your sweetie!

the critters in the cottage xo

Cathy Keisha sa...

I bet you can't wait for your Mom to read you those books. Katie is a lucky cat. I'm very jealous cos I don't have a date. Thanks for coming to my pawty yesterday.

Unknown sa...

Oh Kjelle!
Yous and Katie! Wowwie Zowwie! That will be so much fun!

Anonym sa...

oh my, so many books and so little time to read...sigh...Mom is taking lots to read when she and Dad go to Maui HI in a couple of weeks...one was written by Cathy Keisha' Auntie

Unknown sa...

Vilka roliga böcker, speciellt inte Dalas. :-)

Unknown sa...

Hm.... vart kom INTE ifrån? :-)