Jag har blivit LOL´d på
Hur coolt är inte det ??!!
Sen har jag vunnit Cattoo Tatto´s till min matte :)

Det tredje OMC , är inte mitt utan min matte´s.
Hon tyckte det var alldeles fan-KATT-iskt att
jag satt och spann när jag tittade på videon
med Truffle och Brulee.
Klart man spinner när man tittar på två så snygga brudar
i en kingsize säng ;-)
Vad jag ska hitta på i helgen ??
Leka i påsen så klart :)
och sova lite
Trevlig helg på er alla som tassar in här på min blogg !
43 kommentarer:
Supercoolt ju....
Åh,så fina bilder/Ha en PURRfekt Trettondagsafton go du Jam & Kram Annmi
Ha en kanonhelg själv !
Tazz&Kram i mängd
Bara att gratulera igen, som vanligt! :D
Och så önskar jag dig och de dina en alldeles väldigt trevlig helg!
oooohhhh have a pawsome sleepy weekend! (Momma says, "there he goes again with that floofy belly....") We swear Kjelle Bus, if we ever visit Sweden, the Momma might just steal you away!... besides, she's supposed to like my belly the best!
Your LOLs were very funny!! We really enjoyed them!!
We're going to nap this weekend too! All of the holiday parties wore us out!
The Florida Furkids
Have a snuggly warm weekend with lots of naps.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
All that time on the computer sure can wear a kitty out!! Have a great nap!
WE really enjoyed your LOLs over at Wendys too. They were terrific. Glad to see you are getting your beauty rest Kjelle. Hope you and your family have a great week end.
Åh så kul. Grattis till att blivit LOLiserad :D
Jaså du spinner loss när du ser på snygga damer du Kjelle :D
Lite bus och massor av vila är en perfekt början på en helg!
Fina saker och hppas matte använder tatueringarna, hihi!
We saw you over at Wendy's...we MOL-ed our fur suits off!
Congrats on your LOL's...get beauty rest...Wishing you and your family a restful weekend! Miss Kitty & Mum
Du är väldans söt som LOL-katt :)
Wow, KB! You're really having a good day, aren't you? I'm wondering if you are smitten by those two Persian kittens named Truffle and Brulee? You're still young yourself, so one of them would make a good match for you, but which one?
Glad you liked your LOLs. By the way, now that you're a LOL-Cat, you never know when I will visit and snag another picture here and there.
Hi Kjelle! Thanks for your sweet note! :) Congrats on the LOL! I'm going to check it out next. You are too cute playing in that bag and I love the tummy!
Det är inte alla som förstår tjusningen med att leka i en papperspåse. Nils och Astrid vet precis hur skoj det kan va. Det brukar inte vara mycket till kasse kvar efter en ordinär lekstund.
We enjoyed your LOL Cats Kjelle Bus! You are getting so famous! We hope that means you get extra treats!
We love your yummy tummy. Will check out Wendy!
Congrats Kjelle on the well deserved LOL!!
I absolutely love bags, boxes and the rings of of the gallon jugs of milk. Just between you and me I don't even need cat toys maybe just a little catnip.
Hugs Madi your BFFF
Looks like you are getting the New Year off to a great start!!
Hello Kjelle! We LOVED Wendy's LOLs of you ;-) We didn't know you pooted so much, ha ha ha!
Papperspåsar är skojsiga! =)
Trevlig helg & kurrelisvansvift!
Concats on the LOLs. You certainly look comfy in that big bed.
Kjelle (poot poot) is yous gas powered?
LOVED your LOLs from Wendy!
You are getting Famous, my friends...and seriously, that very funny. Tee..heh..heh
Hello beautiful Kjelle Bus
So pleased to see that you've had a good start to the year. It almost looks like one of your new years resolutions is to take it more easy (LOL) and it looks like you're succeeding!!
Hugs from your kitty friends in Greece,
Joan & crew
Funny time there, I think that bag is awesome! And I love those cartoons!
Dood, that's one cool bag you have there to play in! (Uh, dood, is that you drooling over Truffle & Brulee? MOL!)
Love the roly poly belly
Wow, Kjelle! We really enjoyed those LOLs of you! :)
It sounds like you have a great weekend planned. A bag and some rest ... PAWsome!
the most beautiful tail... adore... Helen xxx
Hey Charlie,
It's all fun and games in your house!! Have a great weekend my friend,
Your pal Snoopy :)
You are soooo lucky you don't live here. My peep saw that last photo of you and wanted to give you a million bajillion tummy kisses. purrs
Tjusiga katt-tatueringar! Sådana kanske tom vår matte skulle våga sig på. ;) Kurr och burr.
Happy New Year, Kjelle. Paper bags are such fun. Those two Sweet Purrfection girls are real beauties, aren't they. Concats on your win.
Your pictures are funny. :)
We haven't seen your LOLs yet so we will have to go and look. Our package has arrived thank you. We love the toys and the stick treats. Mum is going to give us the little sausages tomorrow. We have never seen any like that before.
What a great way to start the New Year, with silver celebration, mysteries in paper bags and a catch-up snooze..!
Concats, darling! Happy New Year! Meows and Purrs from Au, Target, Guido and Ellen aka De Survunt.
Congratulations on being featured as a Wendy's LOL Cat.
We notice you appear to be showing an interest in Brulee. She is such a little doll. Of course, both of us a beautiful young ladycats.
Your Mummy must be so proud, sorry we haven't been around. We have had terrible family problems :( xx00xx
Mollie and Alfie
MOL!! Your Wendy's LOL shots are pawsome! We loved them...Google translator failed so we could not read the captions...but the photos were great! paw hugs, Savannah
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