tisdag 16 augusti 2011

Cats On Tuesday

It´s tuesday again and time for me to do some jamming in english :)
The week has been mostly OK !
I have been bouncing up and down on the bed , while mom and dad was trying to sleep :)
VERY appreciated !!!
Mom say´s that I don´t have paws on my legs.
She say´s that I have bouncy balls instead :(

As usual I have been playing with my favorite feathers too :)

Can you believe that on this past Caturday my hit counter turned over to 7000 visitors !!!
And that is since I started my blog the 19/1 this year, pretty good if I can say so myself ;-)
I was raffling out a package amongst the visitors who commented that day and Bullen and Sigge was the happy winners :)

I was out for a walk on the stubble field on the Caturday too.
It was a very nice little walk !!!

Here I have to drag my mom after me = she is a little bit slow !!

Nom Nom very tasty grass straw :)

Looking out over the BIG field !

Was it a birdie nom nom in the bushes , mom ??!!
since my mom is sooo SLOW I didn´t have a chance to catch it :(

On the sunday my mom went to a Catshow without ME ??!!
What´s the point with that ??!!
Mom say´s that I have to give the other cat´s a chance to win sometimes.
Do I really ??!!

Here is a cat with a coma warning *MOL*

Wish you all a purrfect tuesday !!!

Do visit Gattina and her cat´s 
and the other participants in Cats On Tuesday !!!

17 kommentarer:

Katten Lisa sa...

Hördu, var det inte på de där fälten som det gick JÄTTEstora fyrbeningar med horn förut? Du hade väl kollat noga att ingen gömde sig nånstans?

Hanna sa...

Så mysigt med en promenix!! =)

Ingrid sa...

It's very nice that you are able to meow in two languages ! That's very useful in life, some mousies only speak English. You look so nice pulling your mom through the fields !
The cat in coma reminds me of Arthur's sleeping poses.

The Island Cats sa...

We sure enjoyed seeing you outside in all that tall grass! So much to nom!!

Dui och Deco sa...

Vilket Området att kontrollera!! Du måste vara helt slut efteråt.Nosbuff

NoOne sa...

Jamarn's ett tassinlägg på det där Engelska,tur att matte kan översätta åt oss *mjauufniss*
Annars underbara tassar som alltid/NosePûss!

Cat Mandu sa...

How exciting to go for a walk in the tall grasses! Do you have "ticks" in Sweden? (I can't go outside.)
Concatulations on your 7,000 visitors!

Findus, Isak och Rasmus sa...

Mycket spännande som hänt den här veckan! Typiskat att man ska behöva bogsera matten i kopplet efter sig. andra gånger så har de så bråttom, fast man bara har legat och spanat under en buske i en kvart eller så, hälsar Rasmus. Kurr och burr.

lillies lya sa...

Har du ätit upp alla kossor??? Men Kjelle!!! Hur lyckades du med det, när matte hänger och slänger i snöret bakom dig?!
nosgos å gottisar
Maurice & Kajsa

Carla sa...

You know how to live!!! (Mom's right, got to give the other cats a chance!! Your such a pretty kitty)

LillaAquila sa...

Hah ja visst är det så att går man med en misse så ligger man antingen långt före eller långt efter nis ska ju alltid gå er egen väg!
Jätte stort grattis till 7000! :D önskar dig minst lika många till! :D <3


Katnip Lounge sa...

You are funny! We wrassle on Mommy's bed, but at night we like to snuggle. Mostly!
We have a question, how do you pronounce your name in English? And how is your shoulder healing?

Photo Cache sa...

I love your farm. Can we come visit you there?

Emma and Buster

Luxington sa...

OMC! I wish I had a big grass field like that to explore it!

BeadedTail sa...

It's fun to bounce on the bed at night! Your walk in the tall grass looks like a lot of fun too! We hope you are healing up well! Like the Lounge, we'd like to know how you pronounce your name.

Mr Puddy sa...

Hooray !!! for the winner !
When we see you walk in the fiel with your mom, We feel she is so lucky to walk with you, not the woofie because the woofie may can drag her run ..MOL
and those kitty in the show remind me so much about MR. Teddy ( Huffle )

Bullen sa...

Super mycket tack till dig Kjelle för det fina paketet, vi blev jamarns jätteglada för det =^..^=
Att ha matte hängande i ett snöre bakom är både irriterande och betryggande.
Ha en underbar dag!!

Sigge jamar att han häsar oxå!!