tisdag 13 mars 2012

Cats On Tuesday on almost wednesday

It´s tuesday and time for 
Cats On Tuesday

So turn that lousy translater off so you 
can understand what I´m jaming about :)

This past week have been a quiet one.
With a lot of snoozing time in my box.
Just kidding :)

Last tuesday I was at the Vet to get my annual vaccinations.
 I learned that a excaminationroom is not a place there cat´s and dog´s shall examine all the stuff that´s in the room.
Can you beleive that it´s a room there cat´s and dog´s shall be examined  !!

After the vet.visit me and mom went to visit mom´s parents and their cat Gustav.
It was much funnier there :)

On the tuesdayevening my mom went down to Malmoe 
and the catclub Sydkattens annual meeting.
When she came home late at night she had with her a
purrfect new foodbowl for me ;-)
 Mom won it on a lottery at the meeting.

She also brought THE purrfect catfood 
for me, now when I have become one of The Real Housecats :)

Our local newpaper have a photocontest
called Catch the spring.
The first price is a  Canon Powershot SX 105IS :)
Of course my mom sent in one photo on me.
The photo is taken last spring in our neigbors garden.
If you would like to help me get to the final 
You can vote twice a day until the 9th april.
If I win the camera I will give it to my dad , because he doesn´t have one and mom is tired of him lending her´s :)

Me and the rest of The Real Housecats of the blogosphere
have received this pawsome award from Katie and Glogirly.
 I wish my mom was good at Photoshop so we could fix a really great award to Katie and Glogirly too , for all the hard work they have put down into the project The Real Housecats of the blogosphere !

This sunday it was really nice weather here so I took mom out for a walk.
Here I´m getting my tooth fixed :)

and when we got inside again I gave my dirty paws  a pawdikure :)

Please don´t forget to visit Gattina and her cat´s
that hosts Cats On Tuesday !

24 kommentarer:

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

Eeeek!!! Kjelle, take another look at the next to last photo where you are chewing the wood. There is more wood behind you and it makes it look like the piece you are chewing is coming out of the back of your head. Arghhhh!!!!
That is a very nice food bowl your mum won for you.

Vi i Kasperian sa...

Så där ja, nu har vi röstat igen. :) Husse FÅR nog faktiskt den där kameran! :)
Vi ska rösta fler gånger, självklart!

The Florida Furkids sa...

We just voted for you!! We hope you win that cool camera (and that your Dad doesn't bother you with it!)

We're MOL @ that bag of food. How appropriate!!

The Florida Furkids

BeadedTail sa...

You had quite the week Kjelle Bus! It's fun seeing everything you get to do! That's a pawsome award!

Unknown sa...

Hi Kjelle!
Me went and voted for yous! |What a great picture! me wishes it was as nice here as it looks there!

Ellen Whyte sa...

You are one busy girl! Hope the vet visit went ok.


You're winning the spring photo contest!!! You've left all the other photographers IN THE DUST! ...as it should be. Your photo is the BEST! We just voted again. Twice! (you can vote 2 times a day!)

Thanks for your sweet words about my girl. She says she wishes that Sweden wasn't so far. She'd teach you anything you wanted to know about Photoshop!

We're less than a week away from the next episode of Real Housecats!
xo Katie

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Vi röstar å röstar å röstar, så mycket vi kan. (Matte försöker komma ihåg att klicka två gånger varje dag ;-) på din bild)
Den är ju den bästaste av alla bilder!



Mr Puddy sa...

Wow ! What a great time Kjelle : ) and hooray for an award.
And no problem to vote for you my friend, you deserved it ! Your photo is pawsome : )
Mommy love your smile : )

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

You look like you are fanning yourself in the last photo. :)

Forever Foster sa...

Oh my goodness, your bowl is so cool! That is a lovely photo of you. We are going to go and vote for it :)

We love LUNA sa...

Dear Kjelle,
I can tell you, I also love boxes and that one is purrrfect for a nap.You are so cute my friend, I love your pictures and reading about your adventures!

CATachresis sa...

Voted again for you Kjelle Bus, as your photo is by far the best and it's the least we can do for a Real HouseCat buddy >^..^<

PSwe wish we knew more about photoshop too. Might have to send Austin on a course!!!!

Fuzzy Tales sa...

You've had a very exciting week! It all sounds rather exciting and fun--except for that vet visit. Glad it was just routine.

Good luck with the photo contest, we certainly do hope you win!

Mariodacat sa...

I voted for you too pal. That is a great award you got.

Viola sa...

Så spennende! Herlige bilder Kjelle Bus! ^^)

En stemme er gitt deg fra Pusa ^^) igjen..

Puss nuss på nesen din! ^^) fra Pusa!

Katten Lisa sa...

Bra att du påminner om tävlingen, för det är klart att din bild ska gå vidare! Du får lägga in en liten blänkare varje dag, så man inte glömmer bort det! Men hördu, använder du inte väl grova tandpetare??

Mary sa...

Stackars din matte inte kul att vara sjuk:S hon får krya på sig!
Vi har lekt med musarna idag också fast det fastnade inte på bild i bloggen.
Sedan har vi klickat på din fina vårbild också försöker göra det varje dag den var ju så härlig. Vi vill ha sådant väder nu!! var bara Adam som balkonghängde idag jag och Fröken Tott är fryslortar vid 3 grader. Kattmorfar hade en teori om att Fröken Totts päls kanske var lång men inte tät, vet inte riktigt vad hon tyckte om det:)

Katie Isabella sa...

I will go to the contest you handsome boy!

Oui Oui sa...

Wow! What a week! We're taking a nap now!

Gigi sa...

We loved reading all about your weeks! We laughed at your tooth-fixing picture ;-) Hope you have a wonderful week!

Ingrid sa...

There should be two waiting rooms one for dogs one for cats, just like toilets, one for males one for females, nobody puts them together either !
the plate is beautiful and I love this spring picture of you using the twig like a bone ! good for your teeth, lol !

Barbara sa...

Love that new dish, how apt. I was a bit worried that you'd impaled yourself on that stick until I read about the tooth cleaning! I did click on the link to vote for your lovely picture, but I couldn't understand what I was meant to do - I feel shame :O(

Findus, Isak och Rasmus sa...

Klok kisse som använder tandstickor, så slipper du åka till vettisen för att ta bort tandsten. :) Sova i kattong är ju jättemysigt. Kurr och burr.