tisdag 7 augusti 2012

Cats On Tuesday

YAY it´s tuesday and time for me to blogg in english.
So today you can turn Mr Google Translater off :)

Now is my mom´s staycation over and she is back to work.
Since she  constantly was on the run on her staycation , 
I´m glad that she is back to work , so things go back to normal around here !

She has been on Wheels and Wings in Varberg

She  had  coffé with a DOG !!!

She have been on a Airplane museum

She has been on Apes and Flames Jamboree.
NO there is no monkeys at Apes and Flames !
It´s our local Harley Davidson parts shop that i scalled that , 
don´t ask me why ??!!

She has been out cruising with a friend 
of hers in her Oldsmobile from -65

They ate these jummy sandwishes

at this bakery with an amasing view

Then she was with another friend 
at this lovely garden in Snogeholm

and had lunch 

In the greenhouse there was hundreds of Kiwi´s

on this daytrip she bought a new pair of MBT´s 
for less than 50% of the normal price.

and they where looking at Santa Clause´s too !!!
YES , I know my mom is a real crazypant :)

Now my mom thinks that I shall stop whining about that she have been on the run ALL the time and tell you that ....

she have been home and made waffels to me and dad in her "new" waffle iron :)

and that I have been visiting Gustav

moore than once

and that she had walked with me several times

and that I have my own chair when she and dad are having coffe outside and this have happened several times too :)

she also wan´t me to tell you about our trip to Norway to a Catshow in Skien

Since it have happend a lot of stuff over here during my mom´s so called staycation ,
 it´s maybe not strange that we have forgotten to tell you about the auction we won over at CB`s.
We won a portrait that Penelope a.k.a Nellie and Kozmo´s mom are going to make on me :) 
You can watch the progress >>> HERE !

DON`T forget to visit 
Gattina and her cats 
that hosts 
Cats On Tuesday !!!

25 kommentarer:

Sparkle sa...

That portrait is going to be AWESOME!

Anonym sa...

WOW! Vad spinnande! Ett porträtt på dig! Det måste vi få se!

Cat-from-Sydney sa...

Whoa! I get a headache reading all these. What kind of staycation that your mom had? She was indeed running around here there and everywhere. But I won't mind that bakery with a view. har har har *evil laughs*

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

Whew! WE need a vacation after reading about your Mom's staycation! But it sounded like one fun filled staycation. :)

Katie Isabella sa...

Oh LOOK at all the wonderful and fun things your mom and you too got to do on her Staycation! And that lunch, by the way, makes mommy have mouth watering wishing she could eat that too. Looks delicius!!

I will go and look at the portrait. I was hoping to win that for my mommy but that's OK. I can always ask Nellie about one later.


Nea theCat sa...

Kjelle, Kjelle har din matte varit i Snogeholm? Det är ju i närheten av där vi bor ju.


HH and The Boys sa...

Great pictures. We so enjoyed seeing the trip.


hugs, Max, Bugsy and Knuckles

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu sa...

That sounds mile like a "Runcation" that your Mom had than a staycation! We're glad she did find some time to look after you too! Our #1 is abandoning for FOUR weeks starting August 17th. We really don't understand why she has to go to Canada, and not take us along!

The Chans

Laila and Angel Minchie sa...

Now that's what we call a wonderful staycation! Your country is so beautiful!

Marg sa...

We can't wait to see that portrait. Nellie's Mom is really good at doing those paintings. Loved all the pictures. Have a great day.

BeadedTail sa...

Your mom had a very busy staycation! Now she needs a vacation to recoup from it! :)

Anonym sa...

Waooooooooo,underbart inlägg med ljuvliga Foto...Speciellt på dig,Kjelle Bus/Nospuss & Kram från mig ♥........

Dui och Deco sa...

Det är ju jobbigt med semester när det ska faras runt hela tiden! Nosbuff

Anonym sa...

If that was your Mom's idea of a "staycation"...we would be interested to know what a REAL AWAY vacation looks like...and maybe we will come too! She has too much fun! ANd you too Charlie R...and you won ribbons at the cat show! You are pawsome my furriend, paw pats, Savannah

Ingrid sa...

I think your mom should be kept on a leash and not you !! She had done a lot of things lately !

Katnip Lounge sa...

It looks like your Mom had a great time off from work! And we admit, you got to do some fun things, too.

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

Phew! We are tired out after your mum's busy staycation. Your portrait will be beautiful.

Gigi sa...

Wow--your Mom and you have been busy!

Guess what! Nellie's Mom painted a portrait of ME too! It is beautiful and I love it! I can't wait to see yours!

Unknown sa...

Wow! That was quite the staycation!
But it sure looks like she had fun!
Me has not lets Mommy paint tonight.
Me has demanded pets!

CATachresis sa...

Kjelle, if anyone deserves a portrait, it’s you, buddy. You make such a great model :)

Mandu sa...

You have been so busy! I didn't know you were such a famous show cat!!
Me, I went to the vet and got to meet a nice Greyhound doggie. He was BIG!
I was very good and did my stretch and smile routine for the vet. He wanted to keep me as an office cat and send Milo home with Mom, but she wouldn't think of it.

LP sa...

Wowsers! That sounds like a funcation for everyone! LP keeps laughing because she says Daddyman loves all the things your Mama does! Motorcycles, and old cars, any yummy salamis :)
Have a good day Kjelle! It's World Cat Day today so make sure your hoomans spoil you even more :)

the critters in the cottage xo

A Tonl sa...

oooh the BEST part is the portrait of YOU! Followed closely by the walks and the sitting out with the humans!

Ellen Whyte sa...

Quiche and Charlie - really, can it get any better? Happy World Cat Day!

Barbara sa...

What a packed post! I can't believe your Mum left you so many times - (and especially to have coffee with a dog...), although I have to say those bikes look great. But did she bring you any of that nice food back from her travels?

I love that picture of you in the back of the car and at the cat show (and well done on all the rosettes!)

Always nice to catch up with Gustav - and how beautiful you look amongst the flowers on your walk - but still, I think she's neglected you shamefully and you should demand your favourite food for at least a week :O)