tisdag 28 augusti 2012

Cats On Tuesday

YAY !!!
It´s tuesday and time for Gattina and her cat´s Cats On Tuesday
and for me to blogg in english :)

Yesterday we had superduper weather here in south Sweden , so I
toke my mom out for a nice walk :)

Here I have climbed up in our neighbors tree.
NO mom didn´t climb up in it , she stod on 
the ground watching me :)

You better have your tongue right in your mouth when you are climbing :)

On my way down again

My mom wanted me to pose next to the pink roses 
I didn´t ! I told her for COD´s sake I´m a mancat !
What shall my furriends all over the world say if I pose next to pink roses ??!!

Back inside again , waiting for my mom to free me from the  harness and leash.

When my dad came home they drove away in his Impala.
YES they drove with the roof down and YES they had coffe and icecream and NO they didn´t aske me if I would like to come with them  and NO the didn´t bring any icecream with them home for me :(

Wiish you all a happy tuesday :)
Don´t forget to visit Gattina and her cats that hosts 

23 kommentarer:

Unknown sa...

Thanks for making me smiling !
I really enjoyed to read your post, especially parts about ice-cream and roses ! You're such a lovely kitty !
Fab Tuesday !

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Tänk att de inte hade med sig glass till dig...
Det blir straff!!!
Minst 5 gottisar av din favoritsort ;-)
Jättefina bilder på dig!
Du är hankatt nog för att posera bredvid de rosa rosorna!!!


Puss på nosen snygging!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur sa...

You are such a majestic king, my friend!!

The Furries of Whisppy sa...

The sky was as blue as your eyes. Such beautiful weather and so perfect for tree climbing. :)

Anonym sa...

Men nog borde du ha fått lite glass ändå!
Puss på gosenosen ♥

Hannah and Lucy sa...

What !! No ice-cream that is a whapping offence.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Katie Isabella sa...

You are so totally gorgeous but I think Mom and I have told you that already!

So your pawrents are Chevy people? The Impala tells the story! <3

Cindy Adkins sa...

How rude of your pawrents not to take you for ice cream! Climbing trees is lots of fun, though! Happy Cats on Tuesday to you!
Buster, Rudy, Sam and Mom Cindy

Ingrid sa...

For the next time : if you want your human climbing in a tree, just sit up there and wait. After a while he/she will climb up to help you to get down, when she is up, then just jump down, so she sits in the tree and you in the grass. Arthur did this with Mr. G ! and don't forget to meow loud !! Don't be sad about ice cream that's only for silly humans, it's far to cold for a delicate little cat tongue !

Findus, Isak och Rasmus sa...

Skönt med promenadväder igen. Här har vi inte haft riktigt lika fint, men det har ändå gått att vara ute och lufta pälsarna lite. Tror att tjejkatterna hade blivit totalt impade om du posat vid rosorna! :) Kurr och burr.

Dui och Deco sa...

Vilka härliga utebilder! På tiden att du fick komma ut på äventyr så mycket som dina tvåbeningar far hit och dit.Nosbuff

Juno sa...

You had a fantastic walk, Kjelle Bus!! Next time, remind your humans to bring back some ice cream!

Happy Tuesday!
Momo & Pinot xo

Sparkle sa...

OMC, is that a RAT FINK on your human's dashboard? That is SERIOUS vintage car culture!! :)

P.S. You should have gotten some ice cream AND the Rat Fink.

CATachresis sa...

And what is wrong with pink, Kjelle Bus? lol All true mancats love pink. Just ask Spitty lolol xox

LP sa...

Kjelle, we think you looked lovely next to the pink roses. In a manly way, of course.... :p

the critters in the cottage xo

Anonym sa...

ummmm...errrrr...Charlie R...you need to go back to the "Garfield Peep Training Manual"...you do not have control of your peeps..no ice cream for you??? REALLY???...not good Charlie, not good...gain control...just a thought...Savannah


You are such an adventurous mancat, Charlie Rascal, I would be willing to overlook the pink roses. In fact you look VERY mancatly in your harness. It really shows off your amazing physique.
; ) xoxo, Katie

Anonym sa...

Ooooo...Du är sååå bedårande vacker,Kjelle Bus/NooooooooosPusssssss pårej & Kram till din goa matte som hjälper dig att blogg"tassa" såå bra :)

meowmeowmans sa...

WE love seeing you out and about, Kjelle! Silly Mom and Dad ... why did they NOT take you to get ice cream?

The Florida Furkids sa...

Your such a handsome ManCat that you can pose next to pink flowers and still show off your handsome ManCatlyness.

The Florida Furkids

BeadedTail sa...

The roses don't make you any less of a tough Mancat to us Kjelle! We do think you should get some ice cream though!

Oskar sa...

It looks like you had a nice walk, even if you didn't get any ice cream!

Nubbin wiggles,

Forever Foster sa...

What glorious pictures of you!

We hope that you get some ice cream this weekend to make up for it :)