tisdag 1 november 2011

Cats On Tuesday

Horay it´s tuesday 
and time for ...

What I have been up to since last tuesday ??

I have been riding in the car with my mom :)

We visited her parents and their cat Gustav.
This time me and Gustav could sleep almost next to each other :)

Then I have been on my furiend Princess Linnsen´s birthday party :)

It was a lot of fun , even if I was very tired when I arrived.
I had promised to bring Wild Duck fillet and it was much harder than I thought to catch a couple of our neighbor´s Wild Duck´s !!

Next time I´m gonna ask our neighbor for some ready fillets !

I have made a spooky Halloween card
 My mom thought it was to scary so I didn´t get any 
Halloween treats yesterday :(
I payed back with trick´s last night :)
I jumped in the bed when my beans tried to sleep , do I
have to say they couldn´t ;-)

Have a pawsome tuesday efurybody !!

16 kommentarer:

Boo-Bah AKA Iris sa...

We think that's pretty cool! riding in the car with your mom. We howl and sometimes upchuck our food when we ride in the car.

Good for you jumping in bed with the humans and keeping them awake. Maybe they will give you a treat today!

Cindy Adkins sa...

Oh my, that is a very spooky Halloween picture of you! So nice that you got to go for a ride in the cat. Cute photo of you looking out the window! Happy Cats on Tuesday!
Buster, Sam, Rudy and Cindy

Katten Lisa sa...

Vad mycket du har hunnit med den här veckan! Det känns konstigt att du har en Gustav där som är så lik mig. Vad mysigt det ser ut när ni sover där tillsammans. Fast Gustav verkar ha det något bekvämare?
Synd att jag missade partyt, men det får jag ta igen nästa gång!

Ingrid sa...

Arthur loves to ride in the car too, not the others, they hate it ! From Halloween we haven't seen very much here in our street. Maybe next year.

Dui och Deco sa...

Du är så duktig på att jama på engelska! Bra att du busade igår kväll, det ska ju kännas när godiset uteblir.Nosbuff

lillies lya sa...

va!!! nge' gottis!!!!!??? Hoppas att du sjöng nidvisor för dem i natt istället! Så sniket - inge' gottis... pfffft!

Har du brummiskort OCKSÅ??? Kör du själv???!!! Villken kille du är!
nosgos å beundrargottisar
Maurice & Kajsa

Skrutten och Skorpan sa...

Jamarns, vilken vecka du har haft Kjelle.

Whisppy sa...

You're so brave to ride in the car. We'll scream and shout and cry if our Mom ever puts us in the car...even if the engine isn't running.

Love, Cosmo and Ling

Luxington sa...

You are so good looking! We love the way that you travel around with your mom :-)

Irishcoda sa...

That's a pretty awesome picture of your cat in the car. I also really like the Halloween card!

catsynth sa...

Sounds like it was a nice trip, and good that the cats were able to sleep close together like that. The filet looks delicious.

Johanna Gehrlein sa...

he looks so cute in the car. And amazing that Gustav tolerate him in his living room. That is a truly scary Halloween Cat foto. Such a fun that he played at night in your bed. LOL
Best greetings, Johanna

Mr Puddy sa...

Oh My mom and my dad love love duck !! Have a good easy day Kjelle

Cat-from-Sydney sa...

Whoa! You've been super duper busy Kjelle Bus. Glad you still have time to blog and visit your friends. purrr...meow!

Ellen Whyte sa...

What a fun and busy week. It's nice to have snuggle pals, isn't it?

Jackie sa...

Trying to catch wild duck is far too difficult, they are cleverer than the friendly ducks that our pawrents feed on the local beck. You should just get your pawrents to buy some duck fillets at the supermarket instead.
Your Halloween picture is very scary. Did you show it to Gustav to make him more friendly to you? Rappy.