tisdag 29 november 2011

Cats On Tuesday

Hooray it´s tuesday and time for me to blogg in english and time for my englishspeaking furiends to turn Mr Google translater off :)

Last tuesday I missed Cats On Tuesday :(

I can tell you I have been up to many things (as usual ;-)

I have hade a Commentathon and giveaway on my blog 
to celebrate that I have had 12.500 visitors on my blogg.
My mom payed 5 swedish krona (about 50 Euro cent) per comment that she would give to our local Catshelter Kattfoten. I got 47 comments so mom payed in 235 swedish krona/26 Euro to the catshelter.

Here I have chosen the winning ticket

and it was Goliat that won the surprice parcel.
No it´s not me in the picture !
It´s Goliat.

My mom has forced me in to the Santa costume this year too :(

Here is the photo that my mom would send as Christmas card´s to furiends and family this year

I have been forced to take a bath as well :(

My mom said that I had to be clean and fluffy 
when I´m celebrating The Cat´s Day at the pet store 
Arken Zoo ,with some other cat´s from our catclubb Sydkatten

Here I´m in the petstore , celebrating Cat´s Day.
What do you think about my new cage apron ?
I think it´s pretty cool with the fishes and Turtle´s :)

There where a lot of people visiting the petstore , so we got 
patted on a lot :)

This is Emma , she came walking over to us cat´s , lucky for her that we sat in cages ;-)
She could sound like a cat and a hen and then she could speak humanlanguage too = Very strange bird !!!

We got gifts from the petstore :)
Royal Canin food and 2 calenders

and a big bag of catlitter and a botiful 
box to keep food in :)

Wish you all a pawsome tuesday !

Don´t forget to visit Gattina and her cat´s that host´s 
Cats On Tuesday and do visit the other participants too :)

17 kommentarer:

Luna und Luzie sa...

Oh what is that? A parrot is visiting a cat...how exciting !!!

Your spent an interesting day in the petshop and got great gifts there!
Love your christmas decoration photos too.
You looks good!

Hjulia huller om buller sa...

Very nice pictures as always.
Cute birdie in the petshop! Did you chase her ;-)???
Have a wonderful Tuesday Kjelle!



Jackie sa...

Kjelle you look so beautiful and fluffy after your bath, (torture isn't it) but mama and papa love you in your Santa suit and say they would luv to have you on the Santa Special train with them as a helper, mama says you could pull the children's presents out from the lower shelves so she doesn't have to keep bending down like a contotionist (she didn't say wot a contortionist is), and she said the children would 'luv you to bits' - that sounds dangerous. Rappy

Whisppy sa...

What a busy week you had! And yup, that cage apron does look stunning. Good work, Mommy!

Katten Lisa sa...

Mycket retligt att jag inte kunde komma och hälsa på dig i Ängelholm. Mina människor brukar alltid handla min mat och annat i den butiken. Papegojan brukar näbba för fullt varje gång de är där. Kul typ. Tjusigt tyg du fått!

Irishcoda sa...

Wow, you sure got a lot of visitors but I can understand with such a beautiful cat! Two of our gang were sort of forced into Christmas costumes too. We really like the picture for your Christmas card. :)

Dui och Deco sa...

Du har verkligen fullt upp! Du är jättefin på tomtebilderna men vi skulle VÄGRA att ha det på oss. Nosbuff

Cindy Adkins sa...

Wow! You had very busy and interesting week! Sorry about the bath, but you look SO beautiful afterwards and so fluffy! That Santa costume make us laugh, though! MOL! Great post!
Buster, Rudy, Sam and Cindy

Vilt og vakkert sa...

Maju, mjau...

what an experience ... all that attention in the pet shop, I would have loved it!
Mum has put your blog to my blog list.
I appreciate every friend I have, feel a bit lonely after my grand aunt past away in July.

Mjau-greeting from Sia

We love LUNA sa...

ohmigod, a busy week there my sweet Kjelle!
Hey, you are adorable in these pictures!

Ginger sa...

wow! What a patient kitty to wear clothes....I love the Santa Kitty outfit. I don't think mine would stand for it, though my retarded one wears a Christmas collar.

Johanna Gehrlein sa...

Oh Kjelle, you looks so fine and fluff after the bath. And that you allow your Mom to put you Santa Cloth on made me laughing a lot.
Best greetings, Johanna

Barbara sa...

It's a shame about the bath but you did look even more gorgeous afterwards. And fancy getting visited by a parrot, brave bird! I just love the photo for your Christmas card, wonderful!

Smudge sa...

Okay, so now I don't feel so bad wearing the Santa stuff. Yours looks better than mine, though!

Christie sa...

Thanks for sharing all of this cuteness :)
Big hugs,

Luxington sa...

Pawsome Santa Costume!!!

Memories of Eric and Flynn sa...

You make a great Santa Kjelle.